cat at pet emergency centers

In-House Pet Diagnostics in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Our full range of diagnostic equipment enables our veterinary team to diagnose your pet’s condition and determine their treatment needs as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our on-site lab and patient monitoring equipment is capable of delivering patient results in less than an hour and consists of the following:

  • Idexx Lasercyte Dx Hematology Analyzer
  • Idexx Catalyst Dx Chemistry Analyzer
  • Idexx Sedivue Dx Urine Sediment Analyzer
  • Idexx Coag Dx Blood Coagulation Analyzer
  • Abaxis Vetscan iStat 1 Point-of-Care Analyzer
  • TonoVet Plus Tonometer (intraocular pressure)
  • Trinocular Infinity Microscope w/ Bioview Camera system
  • Cardiopet ECG w/ Cardiologist evaluation and treatment recommendations
  • Multi-parameter patient monitor to measure NIBP, ECG, SpO2, ETCO2, and body temperature
  • Doppler blood pressure measurement
  • Wide range of Idexx SNAP tests available to test for infectious disease (Parvo, Lepto, HW, Tick-borne Dz, FeLV/FIV, etc.) and other metabolic conditions (Pancreatitis, Cardiac Dz)
  • Ultrasound
  • Vet Scan VS2 Chemistry Analyzer and Vetscan Imagyst AI Analyzer

Digital Radiology

Radiology is a very important tool for diagnostics, and digital radiology ensures that your pet will be exposed to less radiation than with traditional techniques. Due to the ability to manipulate images with a computer, your pet is not required to undergo repeated exposures.

rabbit waiting for diagnostics


One advantage of using ultrasound to diagnose is that is may be faster and possibly more affordable than other imaging modalities. It’s also minimally invasive and provides a view of soft tissue that radiographs do not.