Quick Pet Emergency Tips
If you are experiencing a pet emergency, please contact our team immediately. There is no time to lose! Your pet needs professional veterinary care as quickly as possible. If your pet emergency is related to one of the following circumstances, there may be some things that you can do as you make your way to our hospital.
Call the Pet Poison Helpline at:
Call Animal Poison
Control Center at:
Call Animal Poison
Control Center at:
(888) 426-4435
If your pet has been poisoned, please call the Pet Poison Helpline or the Animal Poison Control Center on your way to our hospital. They will be able to begin troubleshooting the problem and offer advice that will be invaluable to us when you arrive. Please also bring information about the particular poison ingested, including its name and the amount that was consumed.
Certain species of toads can be very poisonous to pets, including the Marine or Cane toad (Rhinella marinus; formerly known as Bufo marinus). These toads are very large in size, often reaching 8 or 9 inches when mature. Poisoning is due to compounds found in the toad's parotid glands and skin. Mouthing, chewing or otherwise playing with the toad causes compression of the glands and secretion of the poison. Contact with the mucous membranes or ingestion can result in severe, immediate drooling, followed by an elevated temperature, brick red mucous membranes, abnormal heart rhythms, difficulty breathing, seizures, and even death.
If you suspect your pet mouthed, licked or ingested a toad, rinse the mouth out immediately with water and bring them to the hospital as quickly as possible. Be sure to tilt your pet's nose down while rinsing to prevent aspiration into the lungs. You may also use a wet cloth to wipe off the gums.
Heatstroke isn't only associated with high temperatures; it's also possible your pet could have heatstroke during high humidity, too. Pets expel heat through panting, which is much less efficient than how we sweat. When they can no longer pull in enough cooler air from the outside to effectively cool themselves, they develop heatstroke. Common signs of heatstroke include excessive panting and drooling, increased heart rate, stumbling/stupor, collapse, or even seizures. Bloody diarrhea and vomiting may also be part of the symptoms.
If your pet is exhibiting signs of heatstroke, bring them into a cooler area immediately and wrap them in moist, lukewarm towels. You can also place them in front of a fan to help reduce their body temperature. Depending on the severity of their heatstroke, they may require IV fluids and medication to help them recover. Bring them to the hospital as soon as possible so we can assess their condition and give them the care they need.